Saturday, September 13, 2008

Things Have Changed

Okay, I have made the commenting easier, thanks mom. Now I will get very important penis enlarging spam- good thing, I could use it!

I have decided that I need drugs to function, namely caffiene. I hadn't had it in a few days, and then I had a cup of strong tea this morning and became astounding! I will endeavor to use drugs to my advantage.


Anonymous said...

I'm just checking to see you this will really let me comment. Not that I have anything meaninful to say, mind you. Except that I am constantly amazed (a strange state to be in for more than a few seconds)that you never seem to make a spelling error. WTF?

Unknown said...

It's just one of his superhero powers... The other is sleeping through the sounds of crying.

Stephanie Williamsonian said...

My super powers are called (respectively) English degree and earplugs.

wangpo said...

Once again, you've exhibited a prime reason why I love you. DRY WIT. Whose crying were you sleeping through? Sadly, I'm guessing it's the under 6 crowd.