Hi fellow goons, it's been quite a meaty day, with waffles at the top. Shared a pollo chimichanga with my eldest progeny, studied differential equations, slung dirt (both real and social), watched too much Ali G, inhaled too much burnt rubber, ate some wonderful watermelon and rode my bike hard. Who ever said I was a slacker?
I don't relate to slackers, or hipsters, or yuppies, but I get that a lot from people in the habit of looking down on others. I saw an anti-hipster Adbusters and it gave me pause. Isn't that their main audience? I'm confused now. I guess hipsters make me a little uncomfortable too, but I'm not going to dedicate an issue to them. Even if I had issues to dedicate. I'm just confused- doesn't everyone have better things to do than to look and act like everyone else? Get a goddamned sewing machine, buy plain clothes and take a running leap. Seriously, just falling bodily on the machine will impart a dadaist coil to your newfangled clothing and you will not look like anyone else. Now the acting part, that's the tought part... oh that's funny, blogspot will correct my spelling on words like "chimichanga" but "tought" is okay? Hah, as soon as I typed "tought" in quotes the "misspelt" word underline disappeared! Wow, this has degenerated into navel gazing quite unfortunately.
Watched the first episode of Dexter the other night. I thought it was pretty swell. I like the main actor dude, the gay brother from 6 Feet Under. He's pretty fucking good. I'm noticing with TV shows though, there's always a cadre of good actors (sometimes just 1) and then there's... the bad guys. I think Tootie is in Dexter! Let me check... nope, not Tootie. Pretty damn close though.
Been hooked on these: http://www.willitblend.com/videos.aspx?type=unsafe&video=chuck . Seriously, watch one. You'll want to watch them all. There's something about watching things spinning to oblivion. I think my favorite, as far as concepts go, is the Rubik's Cube. Next I would like to see the BlendTech blend an inferior blender... yum. I like how the guy says "Bad Guy smoke... don't breathe that." when he opens the blender top. He will be dead within 5 years of the most horrific lung problems the world has seen since WWII.
I'm getting a little nervous about school- this is my last semester of math classes. I am specifically taking a lighter load so I can ace everything and be done with math classes... FOREVER. Don't get me wrong, I like math, but the classes are so over the top, especially at this level, you are learning things that you will almost surely never need to know, but you have to be able to show that you've grasped the concepts. It will be nice when I'm working and I encounter problems that are easy in comparison to the shit I've been doing. Ahh, I can hear my heels hitting the marble countertop now...
Love Ya Burt

When I read 'tought' I was delighted that I had finally found a misspelling, then oh so sadly realized that you found it too, and was deconstructing the misspelling process and spellcheck itself, right before my very eyes. you indeed do have superpowers. I am impressed. I have heard you say before that you looked forward to never taking a math class again,I think 12 years ago. Is this a pattern?
apparently it's a 13 year cycle... quite apropros. I wonder what I'll be taking in 2021!? Wait, is that right, 13+8=...21, yeah that's right.
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