How do your mornings go these days? Everyone's mornings are slightly different, right? Even from day to day, my mornings differ. If I can master the wake-up, I feel I can master the day.
March 18, 2003:
Weird thoughts today: I thought that a toilet seat that I had sprinkled a little pee on was following me from bathroom to bathroom down I-5- that spot of sprinkled pee was in the same place- but I shook the thought off; while driving I imagined what it would be like to drive over a dead body, mangles and meat in the road, a human body.
March 19, 2003:
I can only writhe across my life, spitting curdled milk, screaming with clotted blood shooting from my throat, I am unhappy. It becomes apparent when the candy-clotted haze lifts and everyone's spite shows through. I have no faith in humans. I have nothing but instant mistrust, hatred, recoilingness, disgust, aversion. Even those I purport to love can, in a moment, become an enemy. No human is beyond the reach of putrescence and shit. It must be said: I am the only one who matters in this horrid game, my pleasure the only measure. Sure solipsism rears its ugly head, but to whom is it ugly, fucker? In a world with no mirrors, the solipsist is always right.
I want to crush every little fucking thing between my stone hands. I will then smile benignly at the wasted crumpled bones that writhe there under the weight of exiting marrow. I will smile and vomit my love in to my palms and rub the broken nothings back into existence where they will sit and be completely silent forever, happy in an existence which consists solely of watching my charmed life and the beauty and purity that shoots in and out of my every pore and orifice.
Penis smock penis frock

Hands down, one of the best menatl in a long while, Allen.
Coming from that direction of speed I thought the blast of shell
was Japanese or permanetnt, but perinitely, yes things are laid.
Planned to make quiche, made mushrooms and protestant pamphlets
Gored Melancon Baron Puddle-Maps Behringer 27, Glocksman Channel
Toad tipped fingernails ovary o very Lee oy vay! et verily...
pointed out every simple dent in the Goddamned thing, kicking my tir
Mammoth galloping down Gullery Row in Greenwich, I swore to death
at the mixed up space crackers defending obartine philanthropisseds
second gate opens moored shiling deflated kite sac bent in unorigi nal duress
bent in objectionable directions bent towards a worse overhead fan
bent slightly upwards, with, i swear, a horrible disgusting smile
painted on it pushin Bentweed fluffing sidewalkways from the grinning
garbageman's house, bent in ungodly stupor over the pool of tea
bent obscenely up inside an adverb bent gay
bent meatlessly into the tub of bones bent bonelessly into the
Coming from that direction of speed I thought the blast of shell
was Japanese or permanetnt, but perinitely, yes things are laid.
Planned to make quiche, made mushrooms and protestant pamphlets
Gored Melancon Baron Puddle-Maps Behringer 27, Glocksman Channel
Toad tipped fingernails ovary o very Lee oy vay! et verily...
pointed out every simple dent in the Goddamned thing, kicking my tir
Mammoth galloping down Gullery Row in Greenwich, I swore to death
at the mixed up space crackers defending obartine philanthropisseds
second gate opens moored shiling deflated kite sac bent in unorigi nal duress
bent in objectionable directions bent towards a worse overhead fan
bent slightly upwards, with, i swear, a horrible disgusting smile
painted on it pushin Bentweed fluffing sidewalkways from the grinning
garbageman's house, bent in ungodly stupor over the pool of tea
bent obscenely up inside an adverb bent gay
bent meatlessly into the tub of bones bent bonelessly into the
whitened crag of burns
bent hunched, parts in the cheeselike rock pores, riddled
with parched caves and char, other parts
gracing gliding through the tough leathery air
describing flesh loops and architecture
from Palagul-2#4#, bent hurting through life
with parched caves and char, other parts
gracing gliding through the tough leathery air
describing flesh loops and architecture
from Palagul-2#4#, bent hurting through life
bent, normally bent, finding that his silence
Bent rudely into the crystal bowl of marzipan. she saw this from
the mushroom and marmalade gazebo where the ju ju pops sat in a wardrobe of
ice and pubic hair, I saw her bending formard to mea sure his angle
of departure from decoroum, coloured decoroum my dearest
insitent, even bent upon driving the car directly into the jail wall
there in the milky way hitting the cliff I saw a mewling
Bent rudely into the crystal bowl of marzipan. she saw this from
the mushroom and marmalade gazebo where the ju ju pops sat in a wardrobe of
ice and pubic hair, I saw her bending formard to mea sure his angle
of departure from decoroum, coloured decoroum my dearest
insitent, even bent upon driving the car directly into the jail wall
there in the milky way hitting the cliff I saw a mewling
soul in her eyes, the trembling skin of her pale
puncturing eyeball, a quivering bared beauty trembled with even
more shimmer there directly in her eye socket, was it a beauty?
but there was a snake of steel
there was blood
the red and white things in her eyes
more shimmer there directly in her eye socket, was it a beauty?
but there was a snake of steel
there was blood
the red and white things in her eyes
and paled the blue furthest to black
and paled the blue furthest to black
I kissed her then
and we danced off the cliff
and we danced off the cliff
wow, I had everything all formatted, the poem especially needed it, and blogspot just demolished my formatting.
the fact that you are brought back to reality with a formatting error is an interesting end to the esoteric piece. Enjoyed it despite the formatting problem, very much.
Keep up the good work.
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