Monday, May 4, 2009

Congenital Rumours Overheard Whilst in Edinburgh

1- Danny Devito bought everyone on the set of Taxi studded collars.

2- Leprosy arose from eating fossils.

3- Generating fractals with an old Mac pc emits more chloroflourocarbons than a small forest fire.

4- Dentists are all Masons.

5- Fish and chips is a metaphor for the Crusades.

6- Elegance is a sign of hermaphroditism.

7- Jelly doughnuts cause knee cancer.

8- Deep Space Nine is produced by the Taliban.

9- Edgar Allen Poe was a gay time-traveler.

10- Leaf blowers signify willingness to engage in a brutal orgy.

1 comment:

Stephanie Williamsonian said...

I can give credit where credit is due: